Insulation Machines

The evolution of engineering technology in design has led inweight training to the practice of'localised' muscle work.

Isotonic Isolation Machines allow the exercise to be performed by means of a guided movement, allowing:

- The absence of impropriety during the exercise

-Joint stabilisation

- Reduced risk ofinjury

- Muscle failure more easily

We have many machines specially created for the best professional gyms.

We make isotonic muscle isolation equipment not included in our catalogue to order.

We offer a wide range of machines to fully meet your needs; some of them are: Pectoral Machine, Lat Machine, Shoulder Press, Vertical Press, Leg Extension, Prone Leg Curl, Seated Leg Curl , Seated Leg Press, Pearl Delt, Tilted Olympic Bench, Dip, Cross Cables, Leg Press, Hack Squat, Tilted Leg Press, Professional Smith Machine, FTS Glide, Multistation Smith Machine, Seated Dip Machine, Vertical Row Machine, Long Pull Row, Standing Lateral Raise, Abductor Machine, Adductor Machine, Glute Isolator Machine, Shoulder Lift, Camber Curl Machine, 45 Degree Flexion and Extension, Seated Tricep, Hip Hip Trainer Machine, Back Extension, Abdominal Isolator, Twisting Waist Machine, Lat Machine, Biceps and Triceps in One Machine, Leg Extension, Sitting Leg Stretching, Inner and Outer Thigh Machine, Waist and Abdomen Machine.

Thanks to these machines and the wide range of exercises they allow you to train various muscle groups efficiently and safely; some of these groups are: Shoulders (upper trapezius and deltoid), Chest, Arms (biceps and triceps), Back, Abdomen, Legs (quadriceps, hamstrings and calves) and Glutes.

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